OMSANA HEALTH is located in the city of Tijuana in the state of Baja California in Mexico, just 4.2 miles from the United States through the San Ysidro California border where more than 100,000 people cross daily, making it the most important border between the two countries and also worldwide.


Proximity and Hope
An image of the Tijuana skyline or a landmark that represents the city, such as the Tijuana Arch.
An image of the Tijuana skyline or a landmark that represents the city, such as the Tijuana Arch.
Omsana doctors and a patient
Omsana doctors and a patient

Tijuana has developed a reputation for offering the best health alternatives, this city has historically been a symbol of hope for a better quality of life, and its healthcare infrastructure is no exception.

Medical Tourism Destination

Tijuana has become the main destination for foreign medical tourism in Mexico, with the infrastructure and capacity to address any type of disease using the latest medical technologies and treatments.

Out-Patient Treatment Center
An image of the Omsana Health clinic, with emphasis on the welcoming and relaxing environment
An image of the Omsana Health clinic, with emphasis on the welcoming and relaxing environment

We offer transportation from your hotel or place of staying to our clinic, which is located in Tijuana, Mexico. Omsana Health is an Out-Patient treatment center that provides customized care and support.

Comfortable and Safe Environment

Our facilities are designed to make you feel at home, safe, and comfortable. Allowing your mind and body to focus on your healing journey, because our aim is to provide a serene and peaceful environment that promotes healing and wellness.

Medical Tower
Medical tower
Medical tower
Omsana Health team working with patients, demonstrating the compassionate and personalized care
Omsana Health team working with patients, demonstrating the compassionate and personalized care

Our proximity to other medical facilities and services ensures that you have access to all the care and support you need during your stay. For this reason, Omsana Health is located in a medical tower that provides additional medical services.

Comprehensive Care

At Omsana Health, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support to our patients. We work closely with our patients to develop personalized and uniques treatment plans.